2011 AGM Minutes

Moors Bar
7th Nov 2011

Present: Tony Alveranga, Chris Brooks, Simon Clarke, Steve Parr, Andy James, Andy Pacey, Hugh Evans, Aymon Spee, Anthony Jagan, Martin Pirongs, Pankaj Naik, Mark Guggenheim, Ken Runciman, Adrian Birchall, Stuart Drysdale, Andy Rose (from item 6 onwards).

Special Guest: Rosie Runciman (items 1 to 6)

Long Distance Gatecrasher: Martin Denniss

1) Beers were got in, Rosie got her books in.

2) Apologies were received from: Ed Bailey, Alex Woodcraft, Ed Bartram, Dave Terry.

3) The 2010 (Part 2) AGM minutes were approved. Thanks were given to Mr Evans for producing these minutes. Thanks were also expressed to Martin Denniss in advance for taking the minutes of the 2011 AGM (somewhat premature and potentially misguided bearing in mind the track record of the said Mr Denniss in writing up minutes of meetings, but in view of the lack of other “volunteers” there was no better option).

4) Chairman’s report – Stuart thanked the 30th Anniversary Committee and commented on the need to reach out to old members. There was a round of applause for the 30th Anniversary Committee. Other than that he didn’t have much to say.

5) Secretary’s report – Tony said that Fridays were good and that we fulfilled all fixtures but did mention that perhaps there was a need to incentivise playing on Friday. AJ commented that there was an abundance of people available to play each week and it was noted that Mr Evans had been dropped twice (presumably from the team and not in the slips).

6) Treasurer’s report - Get the beers in was moved down the agenda (unheard of in my day) and was replaced by the Treasurer’s report (emergency beers were however got in where necessary). Steve Parr on behalf of Ed Bailey presented the treasurer’s report as follows (copies of the accounts were distributed at the beginning of the meeting):

  1. £10 weekend match fees
  2. £5 Midweek & 20 over match fees
  3. £20 annual subs

There then followed a lengthy discussion on the subject of nets, at some stage during these proceedings there was a recess for beers to be got in. The discussion regarding the nets was as follows:

As an alternative to the current Sunday morning slot at Rhodes Avenue it was suggested that an alternative may be a Monday evening session at facilities in East Finchley, there was also debate as to whether discount should be given for members who pay up front rather than at each net. After a longgggggggggggggggg discussion the decision was simplified into 2 questions:

After more discussion a vote was taken and retaken, the final results were as follows:

Venue – Monday at East Finchley - 10 votes, Sunday at Rhodes Avenue – 5 votes. AJ was therefore tasked with booking the East Finchley facility for Monday evenings.

Upfront Payment – It was passed that a discount should be given for members paying upfront for all 10 net sessions, £45 upfront or all 10 or £6 on the day (this was based on Rhodes Avenue costs and may need fine tuning).

Following on from this Tony suggested the possibility of setting up a standing order for matches of say £120 per person per year (£15 per month for 8 months) to cover subs fixtures & nets. It was decided that this was something for the new treasurer to work on. Adrian commented how would the collector at matches know who has already paid.

Following on from the discussions about the Cricket Conference it was decided not to renew our subscription with them and instead to rely on the website that Martin Pirongs had used this season on a few occasion (“The Fixture List” - www.thefixturelist.org.uk/cricket.shtml)

On the matter of kit – need 2 pairs of pads and right handed gloves – approx. cost £50

Tony will buy some matchballs

A new scorebook is needed

Umpires coats – Ken was to look into getting sponsorship for these from Dunns Bakers!!

It was noted that Nick from the Railway Tavern had helped us out with shirts & food.

Thanks were given to both Steve & Ed Bailey for their treasurer’s report.

7) Beers In - There was then a recess before the next item; beers were got in by many.

8) Captain’s Report – Andy James began by saying that after a bad start results got worse, but this was redeemed by a 6 game winning streak. He commented that the atmosphere was excellent. A highlight of the season was Andy Pacey getting his century. Pankaj nominated himself for bowling well. Andy James went on to say that it was a pleasure and an honour to skipper the Tavs and he commented that he was grateful for the advice given to him, it never hurts to listen. There was applause all round for the captains contribution.

9) Beers were got out – utilising both the gents and the ladies facilities (in the absence of any women).

10) Beers were got in.

11) Fixture Secretary’s report – Martin Pirongs started by thanking Andy Pacey for his help and guidance. He went on to say that is a dream working with Tony & AJ. He confirmed that the Conference had now been ditched in favour of The Fixture List. New opposition included Warwick Castle, Octopussy, Hockerill, Ilford Catholic, Old Osbornians and Whittington at Stanmore – all of these were good enjoyable fixtures and should be kept (except perhaps Octopussy as they murdered us).

The CAMRA fixture was questioned, Stuart & Ken suggested Highgate Taverners who play in Highgate woods.

It was commented that the latter half of the season is swayed towards away matches.

In terms of home pitches it was thought that our order of preference is: North London; North Middx; Alloysius School. Apparently they are relaying the bottom square at North Middx and we will get choice of square according to Brian the groundsman. There have been issue with North Middx with Theo/the committee cancelling a game and not apologising.

It was agreed that a club day was a good idea – “Build it and they will come”

Fixture list cards – Andy Rose to sort out

Midweek Fixtures - Wednesdays or Fridays?

Andy Rose suggested Southgate Synagogue

There was applause and thanks for Martin’s efforts.

12) Proposal re Vice Captaincy – the proposal was that the tenure of the vice captaincy position should be changed from 3 years to 1 year. Currently the assumption is that the Vice Captain becomes Captain after 3 years. If only one year each then a choice of potential captains. It was also suggested that there should be a list of willing substitutes in the absence of the captain or vice captain.

A vote was made and carried to the effect that there should be one vice captain who would stand down after one year in office.

13) Election of Officers

  1. Simon Clarke – fancies it, doesn’t want captaincy.
  2. Andy Pacey – same as Simon – believes he is a leader and inclusive.
  3. Hugh Evans – youth policy, leader at work, “love you guys”, has captaincy aspirations, will support VC anyway.

    After a vote Simon Clarke was elected Vice Captain.

Tour Organiser – Andy Pacey volunteered to take this on.

14) New Members - after some discussion it was decided not to invite any new playing members. In their wisdom the members approved the appointment of Martin Denniss and Justin Gardner as social members.

15) AOB

Summer Nets – There was a discussion about the costs and viability of summer nets – it was thought that nets make a difference. It was thought that £5 a head was reasonable, the cost of a net is £25 per night. Highgate Woods was suggested as an alternative venue. It was agreed (I think) that summer nets would be on Thursdays at £5 per head – Mark Guggenheim to send out e-mail.

Xmas Do - will be at Moors Bar on Friday 2nd December.

Annual Awards – Ken suggested that annual awards be given for Fielding, Batting & Bowling.

Website – control of the website was passed back to Simon from Steve.

Thanks were given to Steve Parr for his Vice Captaincy during the season.

Thanks were given to Stuart for chairing the meeting.

Beers were got in as the meeting finished.

P.S. Martin Denniss will not be standing for re-election next year for the role of minute taker.

Minutes taken by Martin Dennis